Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My favourite tv shows.

MY ALLTIME FAVOURITE TV SHOWS ARE(drum roll please!)JONAS,wizards of waverly place,hannah montana(not quiet my fave but i wanna make the list of tv shows long!),spongebob squarepants,zoey101,Life with Derek,Naturally Sadie and of coarse Winx Club !!!!!!!I'll tell you my alltime favourite movies later!

Harry Potter

I've just started read harry potter(yup,just started.) and it looks like I fell in love!I love harry potter! love it love it love it love it LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~believixMusa the new Harry Potter Fan!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me and Bloomerica

me and bloomerica are best friends mostly because we know each other in real life.

me and bloomerica have matching necklace had a part that says best and the other one said friends,I got the necklace that said best and bloomerica got the one that said friends.I gave the necklace to her because this year was the last year we would be in school together since she was going to a different school.<-----------True story.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


yup I have an official blog now!

As you can see you can listen to music at the right side and I know the music player is a dog but I do not own a dog,it was just so cute!

more stuff coming soon!